DP Beat Box: BeatBoxing App For iPhone/ iPod Touch

The DP Beat Box app clearly does what the name suggests. With 6 high quality audio samples and multi-touch playability, your iDevice is geared up for mixing some handy beatboxing stunts. The good thing about this app is that you can use it while streaming any music on your iDevice and adding some beatboxing flavor to it. While it can be used for live performances also, this app is actually useful for beatboxing enthusiasts to experiment with trying out new compositions on the go!
The way it works is pretty straight forward. Just tap the button/ buttons to produce beats in real-time. That is all to it. If only the app was built to also have the option of recording the mixes, it would have been much appreciated. DP Beat Box has been created by Umairali and is available on Cydia.
Search for ‘DP Beat Box’ on Cydia, ModMyi.com repository.
Note: Cyadia works only on a Jailbroken iPhone.